Category: Humane Education
Putting Paws to the Pavement
by Wendi Piscia | January 25th, 2023 | 1:34 pm
It’s National Walk Your Dog Month! Dogs are active, curious animals, so a walk is just about the best thing in the world for a dog. Not to ignore all the obvious physiological health reasons walking is good for both you and your furry friend, several unexpected benefits come with a daily walk. It KeepsKeep Reading
Does Rain Affect Your Pets?
by Wendi Piscia | January 11th, 2023 | 1:28 pm
The short answer is yes! Everything from the sound of the rain to the moisture it produces can stress your pet. It’s important to know the physiological as well as psychological differences between you and your pet so that you both can have a safe and happy Northern California rain-filled winter. Dogs can hear fourKeep Reading
Feeling Grateful!
by Wendi Piscia | November 2nd, 2022 | 8:41 am
This month marks a jaw-dropping seventeen years since I first joined the Napa Humane team – and I couldn’t feel more blessed. In the last seven years since I stepped into the Executive Director role, we’ve weathered two giant wildfires, multiple PSPS events, a global pandemic and now an acute veterinary shortage. Needless to say,Keep Reading
Why Is It So Hard to See a Vet These Days?
by Wendi Piscia | September 29th, 2022 | 8:50 am
You’re not alone if getting your furry loved ones in to see a vet has gotten a lot harder the last few years. Schedules seem to be booked solid for weeks in advance – and many offices aren’t even taking new patients. What’s happening here? Is it bad practice management? Something in the supply chain?Keep Reading
Off To a Great Start!
by Wendi Piscia | May 2nd, 2022 | 11:48 am
Napa Humane exists so that the puppies and kittens born in Napa County are wanted and cared for, not entering shelters or rescue groups every day. So that preventable diseases don’t steal the lives of young animals, or threaten our human neighbors. So that pets lost in disasters (or just because a gate got leftKeep Reading
Keeping Our Children and Our Pets Safe
by Lisa Alexander | May 17th, 2021 | 5:19 pm
We’re offering a free virtual class to teach children how to be safe around dogs, as part of our Humane Education program. In just 20-30 minutes, kids will learn the basics of canine behavior and body language, as well as how to safely pet and snuggle with furry friends. The family-friendly educational session will beKeep Reading
Let’s Stop the Vicious Cycle
by Wendi Piscia | June 24th, 2019 | 11:17 am
Dogs that bite children are almost always sent away from their homes with a black mark on their record for what might have been a completely reasonable reaction to their circumstances. Few people are willing to take the risk of adopting a known “biter” – leaving many sweet dogs homeless, placed into dangerous situations whereKeep Reading
Beat the Heat!
by Wendi Piscia | June 24th, 2019 | 9:42 am
Do you know the symptoms of overheating in your pet? Stay safe this summer with Napa Humane’s hot weather tips! Keep the Water Coming. Make sure your pet has access to plenty of fresh, clean water at all times. They’ll need it to stay hydrated in hot weather. (Don’t let your dog drink from theKeep Reading
The Best Films of the Summer
by Lisa Alexander | May 29th, 2019 | 2:13 pm
Napa Humane’s Executive Director Wendi Piscia was at the barber shop with her son when the client in the next chair mentioned he taught photography and videography at Vintage High School. Wendi shamelessly chimed in and said, “I’ve got the perfect project for your students if they need a senior project or volunteer hours!” andKeep Reading