We’re In This Together

Categories: Clinic, Community Support

Running a business under normal circumstances is never easy. But it’s harder than ever right now – worrying about your employees, loss of income and donations, and having to navigate through the unknowns of what each day brings… but the saddest part for me is not being able to do the prevention work that IKeep Reading

Young Philanthropist Gives Hope

As part of his 8th Grade International Baccalaureate Community Project for Harvest Middle School, Gabe wanted to make a difference for companion animals in our community. He started a donation drive to collect new and gently used items for pet owners in need. Gabe’s efforts brought in food, toys, treats, leashes, and collars for NapaKeep Reading

Bow-Wowing with Gratitude for Pet Food Express

Pet Food Express opened its doors at Bel Aire Plaza in 2006, and has been an amazing supporter of Napa Humane since day one. They partner with local animal welfare organizations to find creative ways of raising money and supplying our programs with the things we need most. Their latest Giving Tree campaign helped secureKeep Reading

A Local Family’s Generosity Makes It Possible

The only reason Napa Humane is able to provide spay/neuter surgeries at less than cost is because of private donations and grants. A generous recent grant from The David and Jane Gotelli Family Fund and Napa Valley Community Foundation enabled us to add four “Caturdays” of urgent weekend spay/neuter surgeries to help combat kitten seasonKeep Reading

Give!Guide Triple Match Challenge Starts Today!

Calling all Napa Humane supporters! Thanks to the incredible generosity of Brian and Nancy Malk, we have a $12,000 2-for-1 match challenge on donations made to us through the Give!Guide! So every $1 will be matched with $2 by the Malks. That means your $10 donation turns into $30 for Napa Humane, $20 into $60,Keep Reading

Feeling Grateful!

Categories: Community Support

This month marks 14 years that I’ve been part of the Napa Humane team, and I couldn’t feel more blessed. Most people dream of having a job where they love what they do and the people they do it with, but it’s pretty rare to have both at the same time. I am definitely oneKeep Reading

We’re Wagging Our Super-Tails All Over Town

Categories: Community Support

Thanks to the generous pro bono work by our friends at designthis!, local buses will soon be spreading the word about Napa Humane all over the county and beyond! designthis! has been helping local businesses with their print, web, and packaging design for more than 20 years. Co-founder and proprietor Kim Shaeffer has also beenKeep Reading

The Best Films of the Summer

Napa Humane’s Executive Director Wendi Piscia was at the barber shop with her son when the client in the next chair mentioned he taught photography and videography at Vintage High School. Wendi shamelessly chimed in and said, “I’ve got the perfect project for your students if they need a senior project or volunteer hours!” andKeep Reading

Gettin’ Goofy on The Vine

Categories: Community Support

More than 10 years ago, Kellie Fuller invited “Wendi and Jane from Napa Humane” to come on her “Kellie in the Morning” radio show at the local radio station, 99.3 The Vine. Since that fateful day, The Vine’s changed morning shows, hosts, and even ownership — but never stopped inviting us for our goofy, animal-lovingKeep Reading

Welcome to Our Blog

Napa Humane’s mission is to promote the welfare of companion animals through protection, advocacy, education, and by example.