Best. Voicemail. Ever.
by Wendi Piscia | October 16th, 2019 | 12:21 pm

From Napa Humane’s Executive Director Wendi Piscia
I walked into work one morning and saw an unexpected voicemail blinking.
“I wanted to let you know that the Board and I are very lucky to have received bequest money from Susan Wren, and a portion of it is to be distributed to our partners in animal welfare. . . . You should be receiving the check in a few days.”
I froze. Was this my surprise bequest dream again (a recurring favorite among non-profit Executive Directors)? Or was We Care Animal Rescue actually sending us a check, thanks to Susan Wren’s generous estate planning?
Well, my friends, I’m happy to tell you: this time it wasn’t a dream. Melissa from We Care really did call me this summer, and really did award us an unrestricted grant from Susan Wren’s estate – letting us apply the funds to our greatest needs.
Susan was a lifelong volunteer and amazing advocate for Napa County’s neediest animals, so it’s not too surprising that she also arranged to continue her support after her death. For most of her 25 years living in Napa, she volunteered and served as president for Saint Helena’s We Care Animal Rescue. She called it her “full-time passion” and dedicated countless hours to the animals lucky enough to pass through their doors.
“Once you go on a board or become a volunteer, it’s a commitment,” Susan once said. “But when you’re dealing with little lives, you don’t walk away from them.”
Susan may no longer be here sharing her time and energy helping animals in need, but her legacy lives on. The grant money we received through her estate will enable Napa Humane to perform 100 spay/neuter surgeries for local animals, saving thousands of little lives from needless suffering.
We are so grateful to Susan and to We Care for their support, and in awe of the generosity and foresight that enabled these grants to be shared with our animal welfare community this year.
If you’d like to explore setting up a bequest of any size, please contact me. I would be honored to meet and discuss the legacy you’d like to leave.
~Wendi Piscia, Executive Director