A Tale of Two Kitties
by Lisa Alexander | October 16th, 2019 | 12:39 pm
A few weeks ago, we got a call from “Brian,” a Napa High student who volunteers with Napa Humane. He’d found a tiny kitten at school who’d wedged herself into his car’s wheel bed. After he rescued the little furball, he brought her in to our Clinic to be checked out while he tried to convince his parents to let him adopt her.
The poor kitten was bedraggled and scared, and looked maybe four weeks old. Luz, one of our Vet Tech Assistants, generously volunteered to take her home for the night while Brian’s family deliberated.
Guess what happened when Luz took home this adorable purrito?
Yep. The purrito never left. It turns out this kitten looks exactly like a miniature version of Luz’s full-grown cat, Kitty – and Kitty decided on the spot that their family was ready to adopt. Luckily, Brian’s family decided it wasn’t the right time for them, so everything worked out for the best!
Big Kitty loves to groom Mini Kitty (“Mini” for short), and the two spend a lot of the day sleeping together. Kitty’s shown Mini the ropes and helped her gain more than a quarter of a pound as of her last wellness check with us.
Thanks to the generous hearts of our staff and volunteers, these two Kitties are happier and healthier than ever!