Let’s Stop the Vicious Cycle

Categories: Humane Education

Dogs that bite children are almost always sent away from their homes with a black mark on their record for what might have been a completely reasonable reaction to their circumstances. Few people are willing to take the risk of adopting a known “biter” – leaving many sweet dogs homeless, placed into dangerous situations where biting is encouraged, or even destroyed.

Bites hurt everyone involved –  which is why Napa Humane developed Humane Education programs that teach kids how to be safe and responsible around dogs and cats, and avoid getting bitten in the first place!  

During the 2018-2019 school year, Napa Humane taught 2,400 elementary and middle school students in more than 80 Napa County classrooms how to read animal body language, as well as the importance of empathy, patience, and compassion. Our presentations use multimedia teaching tools to explain body language and behavior in ways that keep kids engaged and entertained.

We teach children not only when to leave animals alone, but also why – explaining the things that motivate dogs and cats to defend themselves or their young. The children learn to read situations, and feel compassion for other living creatures who have fears and jealousies just like them. Our Humane Education presentations (and the educational Kind News magazines we gifted to over 4000 kids this past school year) teach our children values and skills that help them cultivate safe and healthy relationships – with their pets, as well as their fellow humans.

Every single teacher who responded to our survey wanted us to return next year and would recommend the program to their peers.

It costs Napa Humane $100 to put on each presentation, but through private donations, we offer this program FREE to Napa County schools.

The 2019-2020 school year begins soon – won’t you please help sponsor this important prevention work?

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