Beat the Heat!

Categories: FAQ, Humane Education

Do you know the symptoms of overheating in your pet?
Stay safe this summer with Napa Humane’s hot weather tips!

  1. Keep the Water Coming. Make sure your pet has access to plenty of fresh, clean water at all times. They’ll need it to stay hydrated in hot weather. (Don’t let your dog drink from the pool, though! The chlorine and other chemicals used to keep the water clean are not good to ingest.)
  2. Avoid the Asphalt. Minimize walks on paved surfaces when it’s hot out. Their sensitive paw pads can burn on hot pavement — plus, since your pups are closer to the ground, they’ll have to contend with the extra heat radiating up from the pavement.
  3. No Parking. Never leave your pet alone in a parked car when it’s warm out! Temperatures inside can spike quickly — and California law prohibits endangering animals this way.
  4. Check Your Windows. For those of us without A/C, it’s tempting to open up all the windows to get a breeze! Make sure any unscreened windows or doors in your home are kept closed, though, and check that all adjustable screens are tightly secured to prevent a breakout.
  5. Go Easy on Grooming. It’s fine to trim longer hair, but never shave your pet. The multiple layers of animals’ coats protect them from overheating and sunburn. (And if you use sunscreen or insect repellent on your pets, make sure it’s specifically intended for use on animals.) Don’t start brushing your cat more frequently, either, as changing their coats can cause heat-related problems.
  6. Protect the Vulnerable. Some pets can’t pant as effectively as others because of their face shape (Pugs and Persian kitties, we’re talking about you). These flat-faced breeds, (along with older or overweight pets and those with heart/lung conditions) are more susceptible to heat stroke and should be kept cool in air-conditioned places as much as possible.
  7. Watch for Overheating! Overheated pets typically will show symptoms like excessive panting or difficulty breathing, higher heart and respiratory rates, vomiting with body temperature over 104 degrees, drooling, mild weakness, stupor or even collapse. Some might also have seizures, or bloody diarrhea.

Don’t forget to keep your pets away from rodenticides, lawn and garden insecticides, and other insect coils that might be getting used this time of year.

Stay cool, stay safe, and have a great summer!

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