Behavior and Training Tip Sheet Library
Here are helpful tips and suggestions on how to manage many common pet behavior problems. Please note: the tip sheets offered here do not address issues of serious aggression. If you feel that your pet is aggressive or is showing signs of aggression (more than typical puppy “mouthy” behavior or dog-to-dog squabbles not resulting in serious injuries), please consult with your veterinarian or contact a certified animal behaviorist.
Bringing Your New Dog Home
Crate Training
Destructive Chewing
Dig This
Dog Aggression
Escaping Dogs
Fearful Dogs
How To Get Your Dog To Stop Barking
Introducing a Dog and a Cat
Introducing Your Dog to a New Dog
Positive Reinforcement – Training Your Dog With Treats and Praise
Puppy Behavior Basics
Puppy Chewing
Puppy Nipping and Rough Play
Removing Pet Stains and Odors
Separation Anxiety
Submissive and Excitement Urination
Ten Dog Care Essentials
For Cats
Aggression Between Cats
Aggression Towards People
Bringing Outside Cats Indoors
Bringing Your New Cat Home
Cat Chat
Cat Toys – You Need Them
Destructive Scratching
Fearful Cats
Introducing a Cat and a Dog
Introducing Pets to a New Cat
Keep Your Cat Happy Indoors
Kitten Behavior Basics
Kitten’s Rough Play
Marking Territory
Positive Reinforcement – Training Your Cat with Treats and Praise
Preventing Litter Box Problems
Removing Pet Stains and Odors
Solving Litter Box Problems
For Rabbits
Visit the House Rabbit Society and view their frequently asked questions about rabbit care and behavior.

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