Napa Humane’s Non-Emergency Behavior Helpline – “Companion Connection”
Behavior problems are the number one reason people surrender their pets to shelters. This is why Napa Humane offers free help on how to correct animals’ behavior problems before they get out of hand. Our online pet behavior tip sheets have many helpful resources for common behavioral challenges.
Sometimes, though, it’s also helpful to talk through a problem with a knowledgeable (and sympathetic) person. Our “Companion Connection” service is here for you! There are two ways to contact us to set up a chat:
- Call 707.255.8118 x206.
- Leave your name, the phone number where you can be reached during the workday, and a brief description of the problem.
- Send us an email, and put “Companion Connection” as your subject line. Detail your pet’s problem behavior and include a phone number where you can be reached during the workday.
We’ll return your call or email within two working days to discuss what might be causing the behavior, and some recommendations on correcting the problem.
*** Please note that the behavior tip sheets and “Companion Connection” address common behavior problems, but not issues of serious aggression. If your pet’s behavior seems dangerously aggressive, please consult with your veterinarian or contact a certified animal behaviorist as soon as possible.

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